18 and 19 May launch and 16 May Zoom meeting

9 months 2 weeks ago #369 by silgan01
Hi all,
Our next launch is coming up on 18 and 19 May with a zoom meeting at 7PM on 16 May.
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Topic: My Meeting
Time: May 16, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 819 3684 2001
Passcode: 923108

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Hope to see you all there!

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8 months 3 weeks ago #375 by silgan01
Weather looks great both days this weekend. Set up at 9, launch 10-5 both days. Hope to see you all there. 

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8 months 3 weeks ago #376 by silgan01
Other than some fog early on on Saturday, this weekend was a great time for flying! A few 2 and 3 stage launches, including David's H to H launch, some gliders, a paper rocket and lots of other launches. Will have the stats soon.
Thanks to Bruce, Mark, Jay and Lee on tear down and to Allan, Tom and Emet on set up. My apologies if I have forgotten any one. 
Thanks to Lee Berry and Merlin Missiles for motor and supply support, a wealth of knowledge, keen eyesight and great conversation. 

Our next launch is 22 June and there is also a Fun Fly make and take on 29 June.

Thanks for everyone who came out and flew!

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8 months 3 weeks ago #379 by silgan01
Tried to post this Monday night but must have logged off before hitting the post button.
Saturday we had 52 flights with 58 motors burned with one 3 motor cluster two two stage rockets and 1 three stage rocket.
1/4A 1, 1/2A 1, A 1, B 3, C 5, D 8, E8, F 7, G 7, H 6, I 7, J 3, K1
Congratulations to Justin S for huis Level 1 certification
Jeff C and Allan H had the most launches with 7 each.

Sunday we had 51 launches with 62 motors burned with one 3 motor cluster, 5 two stage rockets including an H to H, and a three stage rocket with a 3 motor cluster on the first stage booster.
A 3, B 4, C 12, D 7, E 6, F 9, G 4, H 8, I 2, J 5, K 2
Jeff F and Allan H each had 5 flights

Our next launch will be 22 June. Lee Berry and Merlin Missiles will not be there, so if you need rocket supplies, reach out to him ahead of time.


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8 months 3 weeks ago #380 by silgan01
Sunday we also had 3 drag races with Jay B and Ashley S (twice) taking the honors.
There were 4 glider flights and one paper rocket

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